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Trauma Therapy in Studio City

An Introduction to

Trauma Therapy in Studio City

Most people have, at some point in their lives, experienced some form of trauma. Trauma can happen anywhere, and for many, it is a lifelong struggle trying to deal with its effects of it. When combined with an addiction, it can be especially difficult to deal with without the proper type of treatment. That’s why specialists have developed specialized trauma therapy to help those who have been through traumatic experiences learn how to cope with them. 

Understanding the effects of trauma and how those things relate to addiction and addictive behavior, in general, is difficult but necessary for a full recovery. At Starbridge Recovery, we believe in giving our clients the tools to handle the underlying issues that may be affecting their lives and even causing their addiction. We can only get at the root of the addiction by dealing with these problems. 

Contact Starbridge Recovery today to learn more about our luxury drug rehab in Studio City.

educate yourself

What is Trauma?

Trauma can be defined as an emotional response to a distressing event, such as experiencing or witnessing violence, a natural disaster, or terror. Trauma is a psychological and physical response to an event that evokes a person’s fight or flight response. When these events happen, they are often frightening, and afterward, they tend to stick with us in some form or another. 

Trauma can be so severe that a person may seem completely fine and suddenly start dealing with the effects of the trauma they experienced after a long time. Trauma can cause physical and emotional reactions to memory, stimuli, and situations that remind a person of the traumatic event. Many people recall having vivid flashbacks of the event, being triggered by certain sites or sounds, and even being unable to deal with the intense feelings of anxiety and fear that they experience on a recurring basis. 

For many years it was believed that only those in extreme situations, such as military veterans, experienced post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), but it is now known that nearly anyone who has been through some form of a traumatic event can suffer from PTSD and its effects which can be a lifelong issue without the proper type of therapy and treatment. 

Starbridge Recovery is the Studio City trauma treatment experts you need to help you deal with trauma and addiction. Contact us today to find out how our dual diagnosis treatment center in California can help you recover from trauma. 

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The impact of addiction

How Does Trauma Impact Addiction?

Trauma can be both a cause of and a result of addiction. Trauma causes severe physical and psychological effects that many people without treatment do not know how to cope with. As a result, these people often turn to drugs and alcohol as a means to deal with the underlying issues caused by their trauma. Over time, using drugs and alcohol to cope with trauma leads to a situation where both conditions feed off each other, and it is impossible to break the cycle without treating both simultaneously. 

In other cases, a person becomes addicted to drugs and alcohol and then experiences a traumatic event as a result of drug-seeking behavior or circumstances resulting from their addiction. In this way, the addiction is both to blame for the person’s trauma and a coping mechanism for the trauma. 

Unfortunately, once addiction and trauma are combined together, it can cause even further devastating effects on a person’s life, including damaging social relationships, relationships with loved ones, difficulty dealing with day-to-day responsibilities, and even financial and legal troubles. 

If you’re looking for Studio City trauma treatment, don’t forget that Starbridge Recovery is here for you.

Escape Addiction for Good.

Let’s work together to overcome addiction, once & for all. 

Pick up the phone and contact Starbridge Recovery in Los Angeles right now.

Evidence-Based Drug & Alcohol Detoxification

What is Trauma Informed Care?

Trauma-informed care is a specialized type of treatment that works to help people who have experienced trauma find methods of coping with their trauma and reducing the effects it has on their life. 

Therapy often includes specific treatments such as managing behavioral responses through cognitive behavioral therapy, having someone relive the trauma through storytelling to help them come to terms with it and rationalize the portions of it that they can, and other treatments like exposure therapy. 

Though trauma is a lifelong problem, it is possible to help manage episodes of emotional response and to help develop healthy coping mechanisms so that the trauma does not have as dramatic of an impact on the person’s life. Trauma-informed care is a crucial step in the process the person is also dealing with an addiction at the same time. 

Starbridge Recovery offers trauma-informed care to our clients that are suffering from trauma and addiction. Contact us today to find out how we can help you. 

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the benefits of care

What Are the Benefits of Trauma-Informed Care in Addiction Treatment?

Trauma and addiction treatment go hand in hand; to deal with one, you have to deal with the other. 

One of the primary benefits of trauma-informed care in addiction is that it helps the person recognize trauma’s role in their addiction. Without this realization, there is no real way for the person ever truly to become sober. 

Trauma-informed care also helps a person develop healthy coping skills, which are crucial in stopping the cycle of addiction. Once a person knows how to cope with stress and trauma without the aid of drugs and alcohol, it loses some of the control it had over their lives. 

Trauma-informed care helps the person develop tools and support systems that can carry them through the rest of their lives. This is important when in recovery, especially in hard times that may tempt a person to relapse. 

Let Starbridge Recovery be there for you with the continued support that you need once treatment has ended.

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Starbridge Recovery Provides Trauma Therapy at Our Studio City Rehab Center

Now that you understand a bit more about how trauma can impact a person’s life and how trauma and addiction go together, it’s time to get the help you need and deserve. With the help of trauma-informed care at a licensed addiction treatment facility like ours here at Starbridge Recovery here in Studio City, it is possible to break the cycle of addiction and get the continued support you need to move forward to a healthy life that is free of drugs and alcohol with effective skills to also deal with your trauma.

Starbridge Recovery provides addiction and drug detox in Los Angeles. Don’t hesitate, click or call to talk to one of our addiction specialists today.

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