Finding the Best Los Angeles Opiate Detox

If you are considering detoxing from opiates like heroin, codeine, or morphine, it is important to consider all of your treatment options. Medically monitored and supported detoxification and a rehabilitation program can help you beat your substance use. 

If you are ready to get started right now, contact Starbridge Recovery. We have a fully monitored and comprehensive opiate detoxification and rehabilitation program in a luxury Los Angeles facility.

What Is Los Angeles Opiate Detox?

Opiate detox is the removal of toxins like heroin, morphine, and codeine from the body. While these are natural opiates, they are not natural for your body. While the damage they cause can be mitigated with time, the initial detoxification process will be a challenge. 

In Los Angeles opiate detox can be medically monitored and supported. That means that during the withdrawal and detox process, you will have a medical professional monitoring your progress. Some opiate detox centers can even medically support your detoxification so that you are less uncomfortable during withdrawal.

Why Should You Detox From Opiates at a Professional Facility?

Opiate detox should always be monitored at a professional facility. Detoxing from opiates can not only be challenging to do from home, but also extremely dangerous.

Opiate withdrawal typically lasts from 4-14 days and can range from mild symptoms from occasional use to severe and even deadly symptoms from long-term chronic use. 

Opiate detox and withdrawal symptoms vary in severity according to the Clinical Opiate Withdrawal Scale include rapid pulse, GI upset (nausea, vomiting diarrhea), sweating, tremors, restlessness, yawning, dilated pupils, anxiety, irritability, bone or joint aches, chills, runny nose, and tearing. 

Opiate withdrawal also includes severe cravings, and is one of the prime reasons for completing opiate detox in a Los Angeles professional facility.

What Is the Next Step After a Los Angeles Opiate Detox?

After completing medically monitored opiate detox, you have several options. 

The first option is to complete an outpatient opiate addiction treatment program. During this process you will attend 12-step meetings, meet individually with a counselor, and or participate in group therapy. The intensity of this process varies, but it typically lasts about 6 months. With this option, you will be faced with making a choice to stay sober every day as you move about your daily life. This can be especially difficult for newly sober individuals and can lead to relapse. 

The second option, which is highly recommended for opiate addiction, is to attend an inpatient residential opiate addiction treatment program. Through this intensive treatment program, you would reside at a facility for 30-90 days and focus solely on developing the skills necessary to maintain sobriety in the real world. Through inpatient opiate detox in Los Angeles and treatment, you can learn self-management and coping skills while being professionally monitored and treated. While this might seem like the perfect option, you will still be faced with the difficulties of staying sober at home and for some, this challenging change in environment can lead to relapse.

The most important thing to consider in choosing a Los Angeles opiate detox is what kind of program will work best for you. 

Starbridge Recovery has a complete opiate detox and rehabilitation program in the Los Angeles area and can support you through every step of the way.

Reach Out to Starbridge Recovery Today: A Los Angeles Opiate Detox

Starbridge Recovery is a luxury opiate detox center in Los Angeles. Our intimate facility guarantees personalized individual care and the opportunity to relax and recover in a boutique setting. 

At Starbridge Recovery we combine the traditional with the alternative and create holistic mental, physical, and spiritual healing opportunities. In a spa-like setting, with private or semi-private rooms, you will have the opportunity to face your addiction head on with licensed clinical practitioners and compassionate and care support staff. 

Contact Starbridge Recovery today to see how our program can support you through opiate detox in Los Angeles.

Understanding Why Trauma and Substance Abuse Are Related

Trauma and substance abuse are both life defining mental illnesses that, unfortunately, many people struggle with and often don’t or don’t know how to seek help for.

If you or a loved one are struggling with trauma and substance abuse, contact Starbridge Recovery to see how our comprehensive mental health and substance abuse treatment programs can help you. 

What Is Trauma?

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration defines trauma as “… [resulting] from an event, series of events, or set of circumstances that is experienced by an individual as physically or emotionally harmful or threatening and that has lasting adverse effects on the individual’s functioning and physical, social, emotional, or spiritual well-being.” 

SAMHSA goes on to say that, “It occurs as a result of violence, abuse, neglect, loss, disaster, war and other emotionally harmful experiences. Trauma has no boundaries with regard to age, gender, socioeconomic status, race, ethnicity, geography or sexual orientation.”

What Is Substance Abuse?

Substance abuse occurs when an individual develops an unhealthy relationship with drugs and/or alcohol. Through this process, the person becomes addicted to how the substance impacts their body and continues to use it regardless of the impact it has on their life. 

While substance abuse affects everyone differently, common red flags include increased risk-taking behavior, lying, allowing drugs or alcohol to impact close relationships, and difficulties at home, work, school, or social settings.

Why Are Trauma and Substance Abuse Related?

These two mental illnesses are often comorbid. Evidence shows that individuals who experience childhood trauma are more likely to experience a number of mental illnesses due to neural instability and functioning. 

The International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies indicates that, “Many people who have experienced child abuse, criminal attack, disasters, war, or other traumatic events turn to alcohol or drugs to help them deal with emotional pain, bad memories, poor sleep, guilt, shame, anxiety, or terror.” 

The National Survey of Adolescents noted that teens who experienced physical or sexual abuse were three times as likely to report past or current substance abuse. Additional surveys of teens receiving treatment for substance abuse indicated that 70% were exposed to trauma at a young age. 

One study concluded that sexual and emotional abuse increased the likelihood of cocaine and marijuana use, while physical abuse increased the likelihood of generalized drug use.

Finally, studies show that those who abuse substances are more likely to experience traumas due to increased risk taking behavior, therefore causing a vicious cycle of use and abuse.

How Can Trauma and Substance Abuse Be Treated?

Trauma and substance abuse can be treated through a number of different therapies, but they usually all start with the same process, detoxification.

Substances impact the way the mind perceives situations and can hamper recovery and treatment of trauma. Detoxification will remove the toxins from your body and start that healing process while your mind clears. 

As this occurs, therapy treatment, both individual and group will probably be recommended. This can occur as inpatient or outpatient care, but specifically when treating trauma, success comes in a safe, structured, and consistent environment like residential care. From there, behavioral therapies, desensitization therapy, and processing therapy can take place. 

Recovering from trauma and substance use is a difficult and challenging process. Let Starbridge Recovery support you through it.

How Can Starbridge Recovery Help?

At Starbridge Recovery, we offer premier substance abuse and mental health care. Our expert medical staff is experienced and available 24/7 to support your needs. By curating specifically detailed treatment programs, we can promote overall wellness through individual and group treatments. By offering the best of traditional and alternative therapies, our clients can access individual supports to meet their specifically defined needs.

Our intimate setting ensures privacy and individual care. Luxury private and semi-private rooms with spa-like bathrooms afford our clients the necessary amenities for recuperation and healing. 

Let us help you manage your trauma and substance abuse addiction at Starbridge Recovery.

Can You Become Addicted to Benzodiazepines?

Oftentimes illegal drug use stems from misuse of a prescription drug. This initial misuse can lead to tolerance and act as a gateway for more improper use and illegal ingestion of the drug. 

Benzodiazepines are a category of prescription drug that can be misused. To understand whether or not you or a loved one are struggling with benzos, it is important to know what it is, how it impacts the body, what withdrawal symptoms look like and how to get help for benzodiazepine addiction.

If you or a loved one are struggling with addiction Starbridge Recovery can help.

What Are Benzodiazepines and How Do They Affect the Body?

Can you become addicted to benzodiazepines? Yes, you can.

Benzodiazepines are a Schedule IV controlled substance. They can be prescribed by a doctor for anxiety, insomnia, and seizures. Benzodiazepines are a psychoactive sedative that slows down the body causing a feeling of relaxation and euphoria. 

Prescription benzodiazepines include Xanax, Valium, Halcion, Ativan, and Klonopin. 

Commonly known as “benzos,” “tranks,” and “downers,” these drugs can be extremely fast acting. Some benzodiazepines have the ability to stop seizures within seconds. Benzos are administered in tablet form, but are also accessible in injection and a syrup. 

The DEA fact sheet indicates that benzodiazepines are often combined with heroin and cocaine. By combining with an opioid, users can experience enhanced euphoria. However, this can increase negative side effects like amnesia, hostility, irritability, and vivid disturbing dreams or hallucinations.

What Is Benzodiazepine Withdrawal Syndrome?

If you or a loved one are considering quitting bezos, please be aware of withdrawal from benzodiazepines. It is important to do this under the care of a medical professional. Benzodiazepines have an extensive impact on the body and withdrawal will not only be physically difficult, but mentally challenging as well. 

Benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome can last up to 14 days and is characterized by sleep disturbance, irritability, increased tension and anxiety, panic attacks, tremors, sweating, difficulty concentrating, nausea, weight loss, heart palpitations, headaches, muscle cramps or stiffness, and perceptual changes. In high-dosage situations, including chronic illegal use, it can cause seizures and psychotic reactions. 

By going through benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome at a residential inpatient facility, you will have access to medically supported detoxification where a doctor can monitor your progress, offer FDA approved medications to facilitate withdrawal and offer counseling and therapy to break the addiction cycle.

If you are looking for medically monitored alcohol and drug detox, contact Starbridge Recovery.

Starbridge Recovery – Rehabilitation Redefined

Starbridge Recovery is a boutique addiction treatment center fully equipped to medically monitor your benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome. Following detoxification, our modern and luxurious facility offers customized treatment programs to meet your specific needs. Through traditional and unique therapies, our coed clients are able to achieve holistic healing of the body, mind, and spirit. 

Our Los Angeles drug and alcohol rehab facility boasts expertly trained and experienced staff, high-quality treatment, and compassionate, affordable individualized care. We are prepared to support you from your first step into detoxification, through the struggle of addiction treatment, and to the joys of rehabilitation and sobriety in aftercare. Available 24/7 by calling, texting, or emailing, our dedicated staff can support your transition.

Here at Starbridge Recovery we want to support your lasting recovery. We do that through traditional evidence-based therapies, individualized counseling, and community or group therapy. We also employ several alternative therapy options to meet your specific needs, like experiential therapy and meditation and yoga. Through this process we want you to be able to define your priorities and recognize your strengths so we can support you with the coping skills and self-care strategies to achieve your goals. 

Our private drug and alcohol addiction treatment center accepts 6 patients at a time, so that we can focus on each client individually. We accept multiple major insurances and have private payment options. 

Starbridge Recovery is here to support you with benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome and your recovery and rehabilitation needs.

Why You Should Go to Drug Rehab in California

The COVID-19 pandemic altered the course of drug rehab in California. The lockdown placed unique challenges on those struggling with addiction and those trying to care for them.

In 2019, California reported 6,198 drug overdoses. However, in the 12-month period between May 2019 and May 2020, California’s statistics reached over 7,000. By the October 2020 reporting, the overdose deaths were over 2,400 individuals higher. Continuing with the national trend, California’s overdose death rate is predicted to increase by 24%. 

COVID-19’s impact on substances in California is more than just overdose deaths. It also has to do with the number of prescriptions and the number of people trying new illicit drugs. Statics indicated that California teens aged 12-17 are 24% more likely to have experimented or used a substance in the last month than other states. 

If you or a loved one are struggling with addiction, contact Starbridge Recovery today.

What Are Common Signs of Drug Addiction?

Drug addiction, or clinically known as a substance use disorder, is a disorder. It is classified as such because it impacts the physical well-being of the individual, as well as their home, work, and/or school environment. 

Common signs of drug addiction include withdrawing from social situations, lying, change or increase in risky behaviors, changes in attitude and behavior, and experiencing withdrawal symptoms or cravings for more of the drug. 

The severity of a drug addiction is based on the number of qualifying factors a person experiences within a three-month time span. An individual might experience mild, moderate, or severe addiction symptoms, requiring treatment at drug rehab in California. 

Not sure what you need? Call Starbridge Recovery for a free evaluation.

What Are the Benefits of Going to Drug Rehab in California?

Drug rehab in California offers many benefits that you won’t get attempting to recover from drug addiction at home. Rehab is offered through public health at a hospital, or can be offered through private health care at a treatment center specifically created to treat the medical and mental needs of their clients.

Drug rehab in California can be accessed through residential programs or outpatient programs, but they both start with the same thing, detoxification. It is recommended that detox be completed under the observation of a medical professional as withdrawal symptoms can vary based on the type of drug, frequency of use, and length of use. Common symptoms of withdrawal can include flu-like symptoms, headaches, anxiety, depression, and sleep disruption. However, more extreme symptoms can include tremors, seizure, stroke, heart attack, and psychosis. 

In a residential inpatient treatment program, the client will stay at the location to receive treatment for their addiction. In an outpatient program, the client might spend time at a treatment center, but will reside at home. Outpatient programs often take longer to complete than residential inpatient programs because of the increased chances of relapse outside of the facility.

Drug rehab in California also offers mental health treatment for the mental disruptions that addiction can cause. A good drug rehab in California will offer both evidence-based traditional therapies and alternative therapies to support the rehabilitation process for their clients. 

How Can Starbridge Recovery Support You?

Starbridge Recovery’s state-of-the-art drug rehab in California is a private boutique facility that caters to the addiction and recovery needs of our clients. We work to create tailor-made treatment programs for each of our clients’ addiction needs.

Our drug rehab facility offers medically monitored detox and residential inpatient care, with aftercare options once the program is completed. Our luxury amenities mean that you can focus on relaxation and recovery through our traditional, creative arts, and movement therapies designed for holistic healing of the body, mind, and spirit.

Based in Studio City, we support clients struggling with drug and alcohol addiction and dual-diagnosis addiction at our addiction treatment center. We work with most major insurance companies with out-of-network benefits to ensure you receive the treatment you need. 

Let us help you get your life under control at Starbridge Recovery.